Module Warehouse-HomePage
Modules are extensions to Open Wonderland. Those catalogued here are provided "as is" for your use by members of the Wonderland community; they are not part of the Open Wonderland core technology. Use the Warehouse to locate modules of interest and download them from the module creator's site. You can then install modules into your Wonderland server using the web-based Server Administration Console. You can also submit links to your own modules to be included in the Module Warehouse.
Module Warehouse
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Developer Classification
What does Developer Classification Mean?
Module developers are encouraged to classify their modules as "stable" or "unstable."
A stable module:
- Has been tested with multiple users
- Has been tested on multiple platforms
- Has no known fatal bugs which can cause a Wonderland client or server crash or hang
- Will be supported by the developer via the Wonderland forum or their own Contact URL
An unstable module:
- Is known to run on at least one platform with at least one user
- Is not well tested
- May contain bugs, including bugs that may cause your Wonderland client or server to crash or hang
- May be a work in progress or an early version of a module that will eventually be made stable
- May or may not be supported by the developer
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This web site contains information for people in a different roles. Click on the links below to find the resources on the site related to each of the following roles:
By Users, we mean people who will use Wonderland worlds that others have set up for them.
System Administrators
Wonderland System Administrators are people who set up and install versions of Wonderland, administer the server, set up security and authentication services, address firewall issues, and install modules.
Content Creators
Content Creators are people who create virtual worlds using a combination of
Wonderland's built-in tools, existing content in the form of PDF presentations and images, found 2D and 3D artwork, and original artwork. Content Creators will typically need to learn at least a few system administration skills in order to save and restore snapshots.
Software Developers extend Wonderland, typically by designing and building new modules (the Wonderland version of software plug-ins). As an open source software project, a large portion of the content on this site is geared towards Java software developers.
Educators and Students
Educators and students comprise a large portion of the Open Wonderland open source community. There is information on the site, such as student project ideas, as well as a separate special interest group geared specifically for those in the education community.
Enterprise Users
Enterprise Users are people who work for commercial companies and have an interest in using virtual worlds for collaboration, training, or simulation.