Web-based Poster Manager

File Name: Web-based Poster Manager Downloads: 2811
Category: Utilities Uploaded By: Bernard Horan
Created Date: Jun-28-2010 Last Updated Date: Feb-06-2014
Hits: 2874 Hits Released By: Bernard Horan, University of Essex
License: Apache 2.0 Version & Compatibility : Compatibility: trunk
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Web-based Poster Manager

An example of using a web page and/or REST to control the cells in an Open Wonderland virtual world. In this case, the user may either use a web page or a RESTful API to edit and delete posters.

Install the module as per usual, then refresh the Server Admin page. An additional item titled "Manage Posters" should appear in the left hand menu of the web page. When you select the menu item, the web page will display the list of posters currently in world (if there are any). From the web page, the contents of each poster can be edited, or the poster can be deleted. Alternatively, the posters may be viewed, edited or deleted using http calls to the REST API.

Source code available from the public +Spaces SVn repository.

Developer Classification: Unstable (what's this?)


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