Sitting Capability

File Name: Sitting Capability Downloads: 2346
Category: Utilities Uploaded By: Nicole Yankelovich
Created Date: Aug-26-2010 Last Updated Date: Feb-06-2014
Hits: 3622 Hits Released By: Morris Ford
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Sitting Capability

This is the initial release of the sitting component. To enable an object for sitting, edit that object's properties and add the "Sittable" capability. By default, the object will now have a "Sit Here" menu item added to the right-click context menu. You can also enable sitting when the user clicks on the object using the mouse. The Sittable property sheet provides a variety of mouse click options to choose from. You may also need to adjust the Heading and Sit Offset to get the avatar properly positioned on the chair.


Note: For this capability to work properly, you will need to uncheck "Collision Enabled" in the "Model Component" property sheet associated with the "chair" object.


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