Cell Performance Viewer

File Name: Cell Performance Viewer Downloads: 4235
Category: Developer Tools Uploaded By: Nicole Yankelovich
Created Date: Jun-08-2010 Last Updated Date: Feb-06-2014
Hits: 4287 Hits Released By: Jonathan Kaplan
License: GNU V 2 with classpath exception Version & Compatibility :
Contact URL : http://openwonderland.org/
Developer Classification: Stable (what's this?)

The Cell Performance Viewer adds a capability to every object in the world that allows you to see the performance characteristics of that object. To use the capability, open the Object Editor and navigate to the object you want to inspect. Under the capabilities list, select "Performance."


Important Note: this module requires revision 4436 or later of Wonderland to work.



Your object may contain some or all of the following fields:

Field Meaning
Cell Load Time the time spent in initial loading of the cell, including the constructor
INACTIVE-time the time spent transitioning this cell to the INACTIVE state
ACTIVE-time the time spent transitioning this cell to the ACTIVE state
Model Load Time the time spent loading the COLLADA models in the cell
RENDERING-time the time spent transitioning this cell to the RENDERING state
VISIBLE-time the time spent transitioning this cell to the VISIBLE state
Entity Count the number of MT-Game entities rendered by this cell
Node Count the number of JME nodes in this cell's geometry
Triangle Count the number of triangles in this cell's geometry
Texture Count the number of textures used by this cell
Geometry Size the approximate memory size required to store this cell's geometry
Texture Size the approximate memory size required to store this cell's textures
Render Time the approximate time required to render this cell's geometry

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