Screen Sharer

File Name: Screen Sharer Downloads: 2899
Category: Collaboration Tools Uploaded By: Jonathan Kaplan
Created Date: Sep-08-2010 Last Updated Date: Feb-06-2014
Hits: 2996 Hits Released By: Jonathan Kaplan, WonderBuilders LLC
License: GPL v2 + classpath Version & Compatibility : Version: 0.1, Compatibility: v0.5
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Screen Sharer

The Screen Sharer is a light-weight tool for sharing a portion of your screen. To start sharing, select "Share screen" from the Tools menu. A red border will appear in the upper left corner of your screen.



You can resize or reposition this border by using the blue handle and resize corner. The in-world representation of your screen updates at 1 frame per second.



To stop sharing, either right-click on the Screen Sharer window in-world and select "Stop Sharing," or click on the blue "x" associated with the red share border.


This module requires version 1.1.1 or later of the webcamviewer module be installed. It also requires OpenWonderland core revision 4502 (August 21st, 2010) or later. 


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