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Subsnapshot Importer Exporter

File Name: Subsnapshot Importer Exporter Downloads: 5791
Category: Utilities Uploaded By: Nicole Yankelovich
Created Date: Sep-08-2011 Last Updated Date: Feb-06-2014
Hits: 21988 Hits Released By: Open Wonderland Foundation
License: GPL v2 + classpath Version & Compatibility : Version: 0.2, Compatibility: 0.5
Contact URL :
Subsnapshot Importer Exporter

This utility, created collaboratively by the Open Wonderland community, allows you to export a portion of an Open Wonderland world, save it to a file on your disk, and then drag and drop that file into the same or another Wonderland world to import the saved content.


After installing the module, you will have a new "Export" context menu item associated with every object in your world. If the object is a container, all the child objects will be exported along with the selected object. Simply select "Export" and then specify a file name and location. The export creates a .wlexport file on your computer. You can now drop this file into the same world in a different location or in another Wonderland world on a different server.


For more information, see the WonderBlog post Subsnapshot Importer Exporter Available.


Original version 0.1


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