City Block

File Name: City Block Downloads: 4457
Category: Art, Models, and Worlds Uploaded By: Jennifer Kotzen
Created Date: Jan-08-2010 Last Updated Date: Feb-06-2014
Hits: 4400 Hits Released By: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
License: GPL v2 + classpath Version & Compatibility : Version: 0.1, Compatibility: v0.5
Contact URL :
City Block
Developer Classification: Unstable (what's this?)

The City Block module is an example application that builds a city by replicating a block some number of times. When this module is installed, a new initial world, cityblock-wfs, will appear in the Manage Worlds section of the Wonderland Server Admin web page. To explore the city, you first need to make the cityblock-wfs snapshot current and then log into Wonderland.


You can change the size of the city by editing the streetCount and avenueCount specified in ~/.wonderland-server/0.5-dev/wfs/worlds/cityblock-wfs/cityblock-wlc.xml


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